DISCOVERY – Understanding the competitive landscape, decoding the UNiDAYS’ current experience and learning about the modern college experience
Since there are so many discount code brands, it was important for me to learn how UNiDAYS compares to its competitors. This competitive analysis helped me identify how UNiDAYS should differentiate their product offering and messaging in the future.
To determine where UNiDAYS should go, I first had to understand where they are. After completing an in-depth experience audit, I mapped the journey of a typical student member in order to uncover areas where the experience could improve.
In order to better understand what the modern college experience is like, our team interviewed college graduates from around the world. We asked participants questions about what they wish they had known going into college and what they would do differently if they could do it all over again.
“College is a big balancing act. Make sure you time manage to the best of your ability so you can experience as much as you can. Those four years go by a lot faster than you think.”
“I wanted to be independent, I was so happy to be out of the house. I could wake up and lead my day the way I wanted to.”
“I was beyond ready to get out of my mom’s house. At orientation, I realized all of the possibilities and wanted to try everything.”
DEFINE – Identifying where UNiDAYS can make a difference in student’s lives
I distilled our team’s research findings about the college experience by sketching a high-level empathy map.
ARCHITECT – Building UNiDAYS’ new brand foundation
Based on the insights from my empathy map exercise, I created three new brand pillars for UNiDAYS: SAVE, EARN and ENRICH.
DESIGN – Bringing UNiDAYS’ new brand foundation to life
When building the functionality of the new UNiDAYS app, I began with the brand pillars SAVE, EARN and ENRICH, introducing platform features that bring those pillars to life.
During the wireframing process, I kept things as simple and modular as possible in in an effort to achieve a sleek, consistent interface.
Tools: Physical Prototyping, Sketch, Keynote, Photoshop, Illustrator