The Case For Her– a funding collaborative that invests in early stage markets within women’s health– asked entrants to the D&AD New Blood Awards to develop an innovative product, service or campaign that tackles menstruation issues. Our team was determined to do more than start a conversation; we wanted to help an audience that is often overlooked.
Change the way the world thinks about menstruation.
Address the needs of an underserved segment: military menstruators.
A period tool kit for individuals who serve in the military.
Recent innovations in the menstruation market focus on shattering social stigmas.
Libresse, #BloodNormal
Libresse, the feminine care brand, launched #BloodNormal in 2018. The campaign that started a conversation about normalizing periods.
Dame, Sustainability
Billions of plastic applicators get thrown away each year and cannot be recycled, so Dame made their’s reusable. This innovation launched a global movement towards greener periods.
LOLA, Ingredient Transparency
Have you ever wondered what is in a tampon? That small question inspired LOLA, an organic tampon and a brand that is completely transparent with customers about the ingredients in its products.
What if a period product was designed for an audience with more functional needs?
Individuals who serve in the military deal with menstruation issues that are more pragmatic than social. They feel anxious about their periods because of three main issues:
Individuals who are out in the field are responsible for providing their own supply of sanitary products.
”You better bring enough pads and tampons
for the whole trip. No pain meds allowed.”
More often than not, menstruators do not not have access to bathrooms
”During military combat training we were
in the field for two weeks with no access
to toilet facilities.”
Since staying clean is more of an option than a given, infections are very common.
”If you have can use a baby wipe or some
canteen water to wash yourself because
you don’t have access to a shower.”
The Pelican MTK: A period tool kit for individuals who serve in the military.
Zach Brown, Creative Brand Manager
Anna French, Strategist
Chloe Friedman, Art Director
Joelle Halle, Experience Designer
Time Management
Magical things happen when you and your teammates are aligned when it comes to time management. When this happens, cherish it and make the best work possible.
When your files gets corrupted and you lose 5 hours of work, remember Henry Ford’s wise words: “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.”