Disrupting the
pregnancy category
Brand Identity Design / Packaging Design / 3D Modeling
Live Client Project
For her independent study, my classmate Gabi Levi took on a big ask from Harry’s Labs: create a plan for a new CPG brand. After identifying a gap in the pregnancy aisle and coming up with an awesome way fill it, she asked me to help bring her ideas to life through design. I worked closely with her in my spare time to develop Tandem, a new pregnancy brand.
Disrupt the pregnancy aisle by developing a new brand.
Invite practical partner support into every stage of pregnancy.
A pregnancy brand built for two (and then three).
Moms-to-be feel the weight of the world on their belly and the pregnancy aisle is failing them.
Every step of the pregnancy journey is both exciting and terrifying for expecting mothers. The products in the pregnancy aisle reinforce the pressure on moms-to-be, focusing on their journey to birth alone.
Partners, oftentimes unknowingly, act like backup.
What if a pregnancy brand focused on partnership throughout every stage of pregnancy?
Encouraging partnership is what’s best for everyone (including the baby) and 56% of women agreed they are actively looking for ways to further involve their partner throughout their pregnancy.
Tandem: a pregnancy brand built for two (and then three).
Tandem provides moms-to-be and their partners with products for every stage of the pregnancy journey (i.e. trying-to-conceive, pregnancy and postpartum).
In-Store Retail Display
His & Her’s Fertility Tests
Trying-To-Conceive Planning Kit
His and Her’s Fertility Supplements
Pregnancy Tests
The Trying-To-Conceive Planning Kit comes with the full suite of TTC products, including a planning guide for partners and a calendar for tracking ovulation.
How did I make it?
With a few trips to Target, a ton of moodboards and
some honest conversations with moms
Gabi Levi, Creative Brand Manager
Mary Gray Johnson, Strategist
Joelle Halle, Experience Designer
User Feedback
If you haven’t talked to users in awhile, you probably should. Getting their thoughts should never be scary. Getting their opinions is nothing but helpful for your design process.
Say Yes & Figure It Out Later
If someone with a killer idea asks you to join their team even though your plate is overflowing, say yes. You wouldn’t want to miss out on an opportunity to work with an awesome team on an awesome problem.